ELAC 33: Fall 2024

*New: Instructor Change! Please see my 8/20 email to you about Eliza taking over this course

Starting Monday Night, August 26, 6 PM - 7:30 PM "Live" in Zoom!

Looking forward to seeing you then! If you have any questions, please feel free to email me: ahlab206@gmail.com 

You will be able to see our Canvas Class on the first day of classes (Monday, 8/26/2024)

*NOTE: Non-ELAC classes start earlier on 8/19. ELAC at City starts a week later on 8/26 so you have time to get your books & services the first week of the semester. We know it's a busy time!

Please fill out a class survey to help me support you in our class

(This is also linked our our Canvas Class Homepage -- open the first day of classes)

Class overview

This course provides non-native English speakers with academic listening and speaking skills at the high-intermediate to advanced levels. Emphasis is on speaking/listening skills necessary for participating in the college environment & interacting with audio from a variety of genres. This course is intended for non-native speakers of English preparing for college-level coursework.



 How Do I Contact My Teacher?


About Your Teacher

Hi Students: I'm Aileen Gum (say: eye - LEEN).

 I will be your teacher for ELAC 33, Speaking-Listening II this semester. Below is information about our class. Please feel free to email me at ahlab206@gmail.com if you have questions.

Our first class is on Monday, 8/26, 6:00 PM in our Zoom Classroom. Please remember to update your Zoom App before class starts.

Class ends at 7:30 PM followed by office hours if you have questions. You can also email me/Pronto me for an appointment if that time is bad for you.

Looking forward to seeing you there!


Contact Information:

Instructor: Aileen Gum

Office Hours: After class or by appointment

Contact: Please Pronto message me in Canvas or Email: ahlab206@gmail.com

Prefer asking your classmates? After the 8/26 (First class day), you can post a question in our “Virtual Lounge” in our Canvas Class Discussion Board or direct message them in Pronto in Canvas. Your classmates can see and answer your question. Sometimes they are online when you are and can answer faster and better than I can since they are in the middle of doing the same assignment.

How to get to our online classroom

To go to our online classroom, open a web browser like Google Chrome and go to:  https://sdccd.instructure.com/login/canvas


Username: Your SDCCD Email

Password: Your MySdccd Password

Canvas Student Support: 1-844-612-7421


Need Help?

Getting Started: 

From our class homepage in Canvas

Click on "Zoom Classroom" to join our Monday & Wednesday 6:00 PM sessions every week.

Classwork/handouts: In Canvas on the Homepage, click on "Start Here" to see the homework & class handouts/materials in "Modules"

What equipment do you need for our Zoom class?

  How to get to our Zoom Classroom

Books:  There are 2 required texts for our class

Author: Helen Solorzano & Laurie Frazier

ISBN-13: 978-0-13-440064-8 or ISBN-10:0-13-440064-x

*You need to have an unused code in your text to do the audio/video activities

*I recommend buying a NEW  book from Pearson if you do not have financial aid

Have financial aid? Use the City College Bookstore to use your financial aid

Book: Contemporary Topics, 4th Edition (Purple cover!)

New paper book with audio code: $44.97 with free expedited shipping

New digital eBook with audio code: $35.11 access on the Internet

Need financial aid to cover your book cost?

City College Financial Aid Service: Mon- Thu 8:00 am - 6:00 pm (619) 388-3501; Friday  "only"- Google Voice (619) 786-3203


Student Support Resources

Basic Needs Support (food, housing, physical & mental health): https://bit.ly/CityBasicNeeds

Your success as a student inside and outside the classroom is important to me. If you have difficulty affording groceries or accessing sufficient food to eat every day, or lack a safe and stable place to live, please visit the City Basic Needs Resources page

Can't make it to campus for Hunger Action Days? Feeding San Diego might have a more convenient location. Schedule & register free.

Health & Wellness (Free! You already paid for it when you registered): https://bit.ly/CityStudentHealth

If you need support related to mental & physical health, reach out to the Student Health Center. If you are comfortable doing so, please talk to me with any additional concerns.

Remote/Online Student Services

Here are all the links for student services on one page: https://www.sdcity.edu/students/services/online.aspx

If you are looking for financial aid, visit the Financial Aid, EOPS/CARE, or CalWorks tabs to see if you can qualify.

Wifi Hotspot at City

Do you have trouble with the Internet at home? Go to the Wifi Hotspot at City (drive up and park). You can also work online in the LRC (Library) or English Center where you can get help if needed. More information here: https://www.sdcity.edu/students/services/docs/wifi.pdf

Laptop Loans

Do you need a laptop to complete your assignments this semester? It is easier to do your school work on a laptop or to have 2 different devices. You can use City's Chromebook loaner program (scroll down to “Laptops: Checkouts, and Returns”): https://library.sdcity.edu/home/borrowing-loans

August 22: First day, Non-ELAC classes (Elac starts 8/29)

September 2, Friday: Last Drop/Add/Refunds

September 5, Labor Day Holiday - Campus Closed, no classes

October 28: Last Day for Pass/NP Option & to Withdraw from Classes with "W"

November 11: Veteran's Day Holiday, Campus Closed, no classes

November 21-25: Thanksgiving Holiday, Campus Closed, no classes

December 5, Monday: Final Exam; Last day to turn in late/missing work

December 12, Monday: Final Exam, Final Conferences (Sign up for a time on 12/5)

December 17: End of Fall Semester

January 9: Official Grades Posted